G Zines…

So in the next installment of my amazing last couple of weeks, hold on to your hats peeps and get ready to read about something else I’ve been up to…

Wouldn’t it be awesome if zine makers had their own space in Geelong to display free zines permanently, as well as have a regular opportunity to sell them too?

Wouldn’t it be even better if that space was part of the Geelong Regional Libraries, so the space was secure and lockable, and the Geelong Regional Libraries Corporation were already in talks about what that space might look like and how it might tie in with community arts opportunities like a monthly zine fair, zine workshops, wall hanging space for artists etc?

Wouldn’t you like to jump on board with a community group to run G Zines…Geelong’s very own zine space? With a founding member in Amanda Firenze (me…that’s me 😉) who is prepared to write the project brief, get the auspicing agreement in place, apply for grants and run most of the monthly zine fairs by myself, but who appreciates any/all help and input I can get, what have you got to lose?

Want more info? Of course you do! DM email me on geelongzines@gmail.com.

PS the name G Zines is negotiable, as is the structure of the community group, the amount of time you would need to put into it etc, so this really will be a space created by and for Geelong’s zine community. The only non-negotiable is my involvement…unfortunately you are stuck with me! 🤣

#AmandaFirenze #Artist #Writer #ZineMaker #PrintChange #SharedStories #ChangeTheWorld #GeelongZines #GZines

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