IWD reflections…

Sometimes in the busyness of everyday life, you loose perspective and forget about the how and sometimes even the why. The wonderful Janet from @hyggeligphotography took these photos and when I saw them I got that perspective back.

Last Wednesday, on International Women’s Day in Australia, myself and other artists took to Hosier Lane in Melbourne. Hosier Lane is an iconic street art location and on this day, women and non-binary folk took over and put up our works.

On the day itself, it was about how the hell to get the paste ups to stay on the wall, without literally covering every bit of my apron, tunic, jeans…and hair 😆…with glue. Particularly as I was off to other meetings afterwards and had to have some semblance of respectability…well at least as much as I can normally manage hahaha.

But afterwards, looking past my personal worries and seeing what others would see when they saw me and the other artists working on the day…well, what we were doing was awesome. IWD started as a way to protest how women were treated and how they are not able to live freely and equally is this world…it was as far from corporate cookies as you could imagine. And in my little corner of the world, the Paper Women artwork is a protest too. For me and for every woman who has shared their story for this artwork, it is one way of us of standing up and being counted. Of saying this happened, but it should not have. Of saying enough – it is time for change.

Thank you so much to those women who have shared their stories with me…including the two who have submitted their stories since the paste up went up last week. Every time I post on the socials I add the hashtags #SharedStories #ChangeTheWorld and I believe it with every ounce of my being.

#AmandaFirenze #Writer #Artist #PrintChange #SharedStories #ChangeTheWorld #IWD #HosierLane #StreetArt

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